Tri DEV Worx AFP Pty Limited renders professional services in the specialist fields of development, planning and labour markets. It was founded by Faldie Essau, Paul Lundall and Adrian Sayers in 2012. Our diverse and talented team are experts in their chosen field and you can rely on their knowledge for an innovative solution to your investment.

The areas of expertise include the provision of services pertaining to the innovative conceptualization and development of public policy, the design of institutions and planning processes, it’s implementation and the monitoring and evaluation thereof. It includes professional services in relation to learning processes essential to the development and implementation of strategies and methodologies that augment human capabilities.


Our Vision

Promote Sustainable Socio-economic Development Through Innovative Solutions


Our Mission

To provide Customized and Professional services in Development, Planning and Labour Markets through Innovative Economic, Social and Environmental Institutional Solutions


Our Values

Relevance / Accuracy / Timeliness / Accessibility / Interpretability / Coherence / Methodological Soundness / Integrity


Research Ethics



It was founded by Faldie Essau, Paul Lundall and Adrian Sayers in 2012. Our diverse and talented team are experts in their chosen field and you can rely on their knowledge for an innovative solution to your investment.

Dr Adrian Sayers

Adrian Sayers is an independent development and labour researcher and practitioner whose focus covers state-society relations and its impact on public policy and planning. He was awarded the degree of Doctorate of Philosophy by the University of Cape Town.

Mr. Faldie Esau

Faldie Esau, a Researcher/Bibliographer was associated with U.C.T-SALDRU for the past 21 years. He has a BA and Diploma in Datametrics [UNISA]. He has also acquired skills in areas such as Aids Training, Conflict Management, MS Word, Excel, introduction to Stata, PRA workshop-methodology, Facilitation skills, SuperCross-census manipulation, InMagic DBtext-introduction, First Aid & Safety

Dr. Paul Lundall

Paul Lundall is a sociologist and social science researcher with a specialisation in the field of human resource development and an especially keen interest in understanding the capacity and functioning of skill development systems at a national and regional or provincial level.



Tri DEV Worx AFP Pty Limited renders professional services in the specialist fields of development, planning and labour markets.

Dr. Sharon Groenmeyer

Sharon has familiarity with the development sector in the SADC region. She has performed assessments and due diligence on projects and programmes in the human rights sector.

Dr. Rosaline Hirschowitz

Rosaline (Ros) Hirschowitz has had over 30 years of working experience as a researcher, research manager, Deputy Director General of Statistics South Africa, and more recently as a self-employed research consultant and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) specialist.

Ms. Anne Emmet

Anne is an independent, development funding and monitoring and evaluation consultant. For the last 30 years she has worked extensively with Independent, Private, Corporate, Family and Community Foundations, State related funding bodies and NGOs working in the Human Rights, Biodiversity and Social Development sectors in South and southern Africa.

Mr Johnny Alubu Selemani

Johnny, who is currently a research associate at Tri DEV Worx, had been registered as a PhD Candidate- DLitt et Phil in Politics and International Relations at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) since March 2016.

Ms. Estelle Mingo

Estelle provides support for the financial operations of Tridevworx. She is a skilled financial administrator with more than 30 years’ experience.



Tri DEV Worx is registered on the Central Suppliers data base administered by the Central Supplier Database for Government by the National Treasury

B-BBEE Status

Tri DEV Worx has a total black shareholding of 100%. The entity currently is a LEVEL ONE (1) contributor and has 110% B-BBEE procurement recognition

Tax Law

Tri DEV Worx is registered with South African Revenue Services for:
– Income Tax reference number: 0855336153
– Value Added Tax: 4140272545

View Our Projects:

Assessing the impact of Global Value Chains on the South African Labour Market A Development Path for Greater Saldanha Bay A Social Compact for the Wine industry Value Chain Round Table Indicators, Data Sources and Co-ordination and the Provincial Strategic Plan Knowledge Management in the Western Cape Government with reference to M&E systems The design and implementation of the Outcomes Based Performance System Mpumalanga Advocacy and capacity building using the Results-based M&E approach Indicators, Data Sources and Co-ordination and the National Development Plan Indicators, Data Sources and Co-ordination and the Provincial Strategic Plan Data Quality Management at provincial level for identified departments Strategies on Provincial Skills Development culminating in a skills intelligence framework Assessing the Effectiveness of Bargaining Council Exemptions in S.A. The Impact of Revised Energy Tariffs on the Clothing, Textile, Leather and Footwear Industries The Future of Agriculture and the Rural Economy (FARE) in the Western Cape Rendering of Technical Advice to ACAOSA and NADCAO